
Robert Wassenberg

Graduation Student


“DAF is surpassing some of the big players in the sector.”

 After an intensive period at DAF Trucks, RWTH Aachen University student Robert  Wassenberg (27) recently completed his master thesis. In October 2016, he started  his  internship at DAF. After studying a semester in another country, he wanted to go  abroad  again. DAF offered Robert the perfect combination of writing his thesis abroad, the  chance to improve his language skills and doing an assignment in the  field of his study  Mechanical Engineering.

“I’ve studied Mechanical Engineering and specified myself in energy engineering. During  my masters I focused on the internal combustion engines,” clarifies Robert. “I planned to  do my master thesis external within a company and because I had been to Sydney  (Australia), I wanted to broaden my experiences even more. So I started looking for a company in which I could combine my preferences. It led to DAF.”

A challenging assignment      
“As a DAF intern, I was part of the Product Development department, where I focused on post-processing of engine test data. My main responsibility was to develop a model that replaces a not perfect working tool. The model I worked on was demanded and used in an early stage. Before the first release, colleagues were already asking for it, so I had the pressure to release a good and stable working model as soon as possible. A challenging assignment, but I got the option to steer the thesis in the direction I would like to have it. This gave me the opportunity to find out what I liked.”

Great supervision and support              
“My supervisor, Maarten Meijer supported me wherever possible and guided me very well with his supervision and hints towards a good master thesis. I am very happy with the end product of the model. It fulfilled all progress demanded, the tool was working well and can calculate all necessary processes,” Robert explains.  

“I hope that the engineers within DAF are acknowledging the model as much as I do and that they can use it in their work. The project was not without struggles, but with the help from my supervisor and other engineers in my team, I was able to find the right solutions.”

“DAF might not be as well-known as some of their competitors, but the product line is similar. The employees are well aware that there are less engineers at DAF compared to the big players, but DAF is definitely surpassing them. I think, you receive more responsibilities and in exchange you can be even more proud on your work.”

“Without hesitation I can say that the employees at DAF like what they do and are proud of their results. Everyone knows that he or she is equally important and contribute to the end product. I think that is, what makes DAF a great company. Also, the people at DAF are very friendly.”

Just do it
For people who are still doubting about going abroad, Robert has the following advice: “Just do it! It is a once in a life-time change. Sometimes the amount of paperwork looks immense, but actually it is not that much. It is important to look outside of what you know and to stay open-minded.”

Robert Wassenberg